Political-ideological work for medical students through the debate and reflection sessions


Political-ideological work for medical students through the debate and reflection sessions

Trabajo político-ideológico para estudiantes de Medicina desde los turnos de debate y reflexión


Martha Marrero Pérez1*
María Ocaña Díaz1
Tania Rodríguez Leiva1


1Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences. School of Medicine. Department of Computing. Villa Clara. Cuba


*Author for correspondence. E-mail: marthadmp@infomed.sld.cu




The debate and reflection sessions are a fundamental link for the political-ideological work in the medical students; the adequate selection of their topics and performing the debates assuming novel methods, the protagonist role of the students supported in the search of data from the information and communication technologies constitute a necessity to stimulate the controversy, the capacity of committed and critic revolutionary analysis, knowledge and respect for history, objective analysis of the main problems and difficulties related to the political and social life of the country and the rest of the world. The aim of the authors is to reflect on some aspects related to the performing of this activity.

MeSH: politics; social values; students.


Los turnos de debate y reflexión son un eslabón fundamental para el trabajo político-ideológico en los estudiantes de Medicina; la selección adecuada de sus temas, la realización de los debates asumiendo métodos novedosos y el protagonismo de los estudiantes apoyados en la búsqueda de datos a partir de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones constituyen una necesidad para estimular la polémica, la capacidad de análisis crítico comprometido y revolucionario, el conocimiento y respeto por la historia y el análisis objetivo de los principales problemas y dificultades relativos a la vida política y social del país y del resto del mundo. Es objetivo de los autores reflexionar acerca de algunos aspectos relativos a la realización de esta actividad.

DeSC: política; valores sociales; estudiantes.



Submitted: 16/07/2018



The ideological action projected by the medical sciences universities claim for the rupture of schemes, seeking to concentrate on persuasion so that the students understand the reasons of the policy of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), assume them and act in correspondence. To achieve this, we must work in a differentiated way and incorporate active methods in the implementation of pertinent activities that propitiate exchanges on different topics in a new and optimal way.

The political-ideological work must be organized as a set of actions that influence the emotions and feelings of the people and encourage the formation, development and consolidation of their revolutionary values and convictions. Its effectiveness is measured above all by the action, but also by the opinions and conceptions that are manifested in the social sphere.(1)

Adequate and solid training in a future health professional implies devoting oneself completely to human well-being and health, and preparing each day to understand the changing conditions of the current world, increasingly subordinated to capitalist globalization; so it is important to train the moral capacity of each one to identify the political content in the different ideological referents of the reality that surrounds them.

The debate and reflection sessions are part of the political-ideological preparation system of university students. The selection of their topics are proposed by the students, the management of educational work and university extension of each instance together with the departments of Philosophy and History, and those directed by the Ministry of Public Health; all this as a result of the sociopolitical diagnoses carried out.

The educational counseling professor must have a high political-ideological culture to lead that space, a diagnosis of his preparation is needed considering that those committed to this work should be the most qualified and updated on the topics, and those of higher teaching rank as a guarantee of pedagogical experience; It is the criterion of these authors that time must be scheduled in their individual plan to access national and international information and to consult printed and electronic bibliographies that guarantee maximum mastery of the content subject to discussions and reflections in the sessions planned for it. This educator must also be an activist of the revolutionary policy of the PCC, a defender of his ideology, his moral and his political convictions. It must be, therefore, an example of a revolutionary, starting by the requirement of being a good teacher, a disciplined worker, a professional with a spirit of improvement.

The debate and reflection sessions constitute a way to create socialist conscience in the students not only to offer their services in the national territory, but also in international fields, most of the times in the middle of difficult conditions, including situations of disasters, so it is necessary to provide them with political-ideological tools that allow them to understand the current Cuban reality and the main social events that move the world. In a persuasive conversation they will be offered the necessary arguments so that they reflect on the humanitarian condition of Cuban medicine, which, while curing illnesses, prevents and promotes health, provides arguments on the reasons for survival of the Cuban social project and why to defend it anywhere on the planet.

Taking into account these elements, the authors of this research paper consider that the student´s protagonist role should be raised in the debates and reflection sessions by creating the habit of consulting the written electronic press, taking advantage of the possibilities offered by information and communications technologies as an effective way for students to be motivated in data searches that allow them to understand the Cuban reality and the rest of the world; without forgetting the involvement of the leaders of the University Student Federation (FEU) to mobilize the students in carrying out activities that imply moral commitment, among which, undoubtedly are those that manifest themselves in their preparation to take on political-ideological debates.

The Cuban medical universities are aware of the role they are currently playing in the formation of the new generations, and in this process educational work occupies a central place as a priority of the Ministry of Education and the top state and political leadership of the country, whose objectives are educating in values, the capacity for committed and critic revolutionary analysis; the knowledge and respect for history, as well as the objective analysis of the main problems and difficulties related to the political and social life of the country and the rest of the world; in short, to develop political consciousness and patriotic and revolutionary convictions.(2,3)

It is the criterion of these authors that when in the debates and reflection sessions to discuss the problems that have caused difficulties for the Cuban people, it is based on its root, on the causes that have conditioned them and lead towards the political-ideological work to get there to its very essence. Knowing the needs, concerns and aspirations of students demands a comprehensive approach in the educational and political-ideological work and constitutes a qualitatively superior step in the comprehensive formation of the future health professional. This is the only way to act in accordance with the aspirations of the unbeaten commander Castro Ruz(4) when he said in 1982: "We propose that you graduate as high quality doctors: scientific quality, political quality, moral quality and human quality".



1. Hernández Mato Y, Pérez Cano R. La educación en valores de los estudiantes universitarios: una experiencia en el centro universitario municipal de Jagüey Grande. Rev de la Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación [Internet]. 2017 [citado 02/07/2018];12(1):[aprox. 16 p.]. Disponible en: https://rephip.unr.edu.ar/bitstream/handle/2133/11755 /La%20educaci%C3%B3n%20en%20valores%20de%20los%20estudiantes%20universitarios.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y

2. Socarrás Sánchez S, Díaz Flores M. Concepción innovadora para la organización del trabajo educativo del tutor en la carrera de Medicina. Rev Medicina e Investigación [Internet]. 2016 [citado 02/07/2018];4(1):[aprox. 14 p.]. Disponible en: https://www.elsevier.es/es-revista-revista-medicina-e-investigacion-353-articulo-concepcion-innovadora-organizacion-del -trabajo-S2214310615000473

3. Rosell Pardo R, Ramírez Rubio AG, Zamora Pérez M. Fortalecimiento del Trabajo Político e Ideológico en el claustro universitario del cuarto año en la carrera de Medicina Veterinaria. Rev Equipo Federal de Trabajo [Internet]. 2017 [citado 02/07/2018];4(1):[aprox. 9 p.]. Disponible en: http://newsmatic.com.ar/conectar/245/106/articulo/3780/Fortalecimiento-del -trabajo-Politico-Ideologico-en-el-claustro-universitario-en-la-carrera-de-Medicina-Veterinaria.html

4. Castro Ruz F. Discurso pronunciado en el acto de constitución del Destacamento "Carlos J. Finlay". 12 de marzo de 1982. La Habana: Oficina del Consejo de Estado; 1982.



Declaration of interests

The authors declare no conflict of interest.



Contribution of the authors

Martha Marrero Pérez: analyzed the information and wrote the article.
María Ocaña Díaz and Tania Rodríguez Leiva: they searched the information and analyzed it.



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