To strengthen the Pedagogy subject in the health technology careers in Villa Clara


To strengthen the Pedagogy subject in the health technology careers in Villa Clara


Fortalecer la asignatura Pedagogía en las carreras de tecnologías de la salud en Villa Clara



Aldo Elcido Chaviano Núñez1, Florivis Pérez Martín2, Maida Teresa Viera Rodríguez3

1 Bachelor of Education. Pedagogy and Psychology Specialty. Assistant professor. Villa Clara. University of Medical Sciences. Cuba. E-mail:
2 Bachelor of Education. Chemistry specialty. Assistant professor. Villa Clara. University of Medical Sciences. Cuba. E-mail: florivispm@ucm.vcl.sld
3 Bachelor of Education. Biology and Chemistry Specialty. Instructor professor. Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences. Cuba. E-mail:




The Pedagogy subject is a tool for the improvement of teaching abilities, to strengthen the academic work that demands the graduate´s profile of the health technology careers; however, in spaces of academic debate, the professors have expressed the detection of some deficiencies, among them: the incorrect orientation of the study guides that leads to limitations for the realization of the student's independent work, lack of updated bibliography for the study and deepening inside the contents and insufficient treatment of some contents in the program, which constitutes object of analysis in the present research paper.

MeSH: Health technology, currículum, education, medical.


La asignatura Pedagogía es una herramienta del perfeccionamiento de habilidades docentes, para fortalecer la labor académica que demanda el perfil del egresado de las carreras de tecnologías de la salud; sin embargo, en espacios de debate académico, los docentes han expresado la detección de algunas carencias, entre ellas: la incorrecta orientación de las guías de estudio que conduce a limitaciones para la realización del trabajo independiente del estudiante, falta de bibliografía actualizada para el estudio y profundización de los contenidos e insuficiente tratamiento de algunos contenidos en el programa, lo cual constituye objeto de análisis en la presente comunicación.

DeCS: Tecnologías de la salud, currículo, educación médica.



The year, the discipline, and the subject teaching staffs are among the subsystems of the careers, the latter subordinates to the requirements of the former two. The curriculum should assume this approach and to its executors corresponds to possess a clear understanding of the role assumed by these subsystems, the relationships that take place among them as well as the subordination among different hierarchical levels. The subject plays a fundamental role: the development of certain knowledge, abilities and values that contribute to the formation of the desired ways of professional performance; therefore, it should be known why and what for it exists a certain curricular design1,2.

The Pedagogy subject, within the curricular design of the health technology careers, pretends that the future graduates can exercise as tutors in the assistance or teaching areas of its own career, covering educational tasks from the work place as a pertinent feature of its social dimension. This way it is derived the main interest of strengthening it in the formation of the health technologist, when being considered suitable to facilitate the development of the necessary pedagogic abilities for this performance.

Pedagogy is located in the eighth semester of the fourth year of the Study Plan of all the health technology careers; it began to be imparted in the academic year 2006-2007 for the Department of General Formation. It is developed through the modality of encounter-learning courses and it demands the delivery of guides that orient the student on how to face the study of the topic, the fundamental concepts to dominate, the basic and complementary bibliographies to consult and the self-assessment3.

It is the authors' opinion that the student of the health technology careers can assume that personal and social commitment of self-transformation and self-realization through the knowledge of the basic concepts of the Pedagogy subject, because they help him/her in the improvement of his/her teaching abilities to strengthen the social object of their formative work, and they prepare him/her in basic competences to build in a more efficient way the bases of his/her learning as a way of to carry out the different functions declared in the program.

In spite of all the advantages that the inclusion of this subject in the Study Plan offers, it is absent in other careers, in spaces of academic debate the professors have expressed the detection of some deficiencies, among them:

  • The incorrect orientation of the study guides which leads to limitations for the realization of the student's independent work: the conformation of the teaching-learning process should lead to the active search of knowledge, on the base of the actions to carry out so that it has a dynamic position in the different moments, through the orientation, during the execution and in the control of the activity, under the direction of the professor4,5. Therefore, if the professors elaborate a study guide with all the necessary orientations taken into account in the program, they will fulfill an essential postulate of the process that they lead: on the one hand, the independent work is learning, and on the other, the application of that learning with its double function: informative and formative.

From a didactic position, in function of the socialization of the learning process and in the context of an independent and organized school regardless the level or type it is, the study guides should be conceived in such a way that they facilitate the recognition of the possibilities of the students' development, to distinguish among what knowledge considers necessary to incorporate, what sources of information to consult, how to differentiate among the most advantageous and how with their independent work they can be more useful to their fellow men through the solution of the problems to solve because they directly interrelate theory with the social practice that they will carry out as a future professional. When this cognitive independence becomes a permanent purpose, then the more motivated and satisfied they will be with the result of their individual activity6.

  • Insufficient updated bibliography for the study and deepening inside the contents: the content of any program of a subject in the higher education centers is planned to be imparted in different forms of teaching organization, where knowledge of the information not only stimulates the scientific and intellectual interest of the students, but also contributes to the development of their capacity to think for themselves. So, the selection and transformation of the information becomes a fundamental element of the contemporary professor's activity. When the student is stimulated for the search of updated information, its cognitive development increases, it confronts its ideas with its partners and with the professors, which facilitates a flexible thought when applying knowledge to other situations in its professional performance, he/she knows what levels of help he/she needs and identifies his/her professional profile through the tools that are offered for the assimilation of the teaching contents and its professional orientation7.
  • Insufficient treatment of some contents in the program: the limitless growth of knowledge and the alternative of approaching either more and more specific aspects of a part of the reality or conceiving knowledge with an integration of its essential aspects, it states the necessity to select those necessary and enough contents of the subject required to guarantee the achievement of these objectives, without putting aside the current scientific progress. Consequently, its teaching should comprise the scientific advances, the demands of the profession and the logic of its curriculum; nevertheless, the professor sometimes doesn't have access to this information or he/she is not prepared in regard to the curricular design, which generates learning strategies that don't consider the previously presented aspects.

Three processes prevail in all curricular design: work-related or professional one, where the social problems are present; that of the professional's formation, related with the transformations to achieve in the student to think, to feel and to act as an expert, and the process by means of which culture is gestated, this last one as expression of the knowledge accumulated by humanity and it is associated to this formation. These should be assumed as a guide to develop the contents of the subject6,8.

At present, it is needed of a student who is characterized by the development of abilities to have access to information by him/herself, that he/she interprets it and knows how to use it in an enriching way in function of the solution of the problems that he/she faces, and the capacity to communicate in the complex net through out life; it demands of an education in the search of the information and the delimitation of the basic leanings to distinguish between the important thing and the superfluous ones in the wide world of computerization; for it, a progressive tendency should be developed to diminish the volume of information in favor of the essences of the content of the program, without falling in reductionist or superficial approaches; according to Vigotsky´s theory, to increase the complexity of the tasks and the development of the independence favors the student's potentialities, and it achieves a more effective integration of the dimensions of the teaching-learning process as a manner to guarantee a more appropriate pedagogic cultural formation with the aspirations of the program of the subject.



1. Ministerio de Educación Superior. El trabajo metodológico. En: Reglamento trabajo docente metodológico. Resolución No. 210/2007. La Habana: MES; 2007.

2. García Hernández C, Espinosa Menéndez M. Análisis curricular aplicado al estudio de licenciaturas de comunicación en México. Rev de Investigación Educativa [Internet]. 2014 [citado 10 Abr 2015];18:[aprox. 27 p.]. Disponible en:

3. Ministerio de Salud Pública. Programa de Pedagogía para Tecnólogos de la Salud. La Habana: MINSAP, 2006.

4. García Hernández I, de la Cruz Blanco GM. Las guías didácticas: recursos necesarios para el aprendizaje autónomo. EDUMECENTRO [Internet]. 2014 [citado 6 Abr 2015];6(3):[aprox. 13 p.]. Disponible en:

5. Fernández Toledo E. Guía metodológica evaluativa para la educación en el trabajo sobre la comunicación con el niño ventilado. EDUMECENTRO [Internet]. 2014 [citado 6 Abr 2015];6(2):[aprox.13 p.]. Disponible en:

6. Fernández Oliva B, Nolla Cao N. La maestría pedagógica, su relación con el modelo comunicativo de la enseñanza contemporánea. Educ Med Super [Internet]. 2003 [citado 6 Abr 2015];17(1):[aprox. 9 p.]. Disponible en:

7. Martínez Calvo S. Revisión de los libros de texto para la enseñanza de la Epidemiología en las carreras de Ciencias Médicas. Educ Med Super [Internet]. 2013 [citado 6 Abr 2015];27(3):[aprox. 11 p.]. Disponible en:

8. Vela Valdés J, Fernández Sacasas JA, Álvarez Sintes R. Política de formación médica para la atención primaria de salud y el papel de la asignatura Medicina General Integral en el currículo. Educ Med Super [Internet]. 2012 [citado 6 Abr 2015];26(2): [aprox. 11 p.]. Disponible en:



Submitted: May, 20 2015.
Accepted : January, 14 2016.



Aldo Elcido Chaviano Núñez. Villa Clara. University of Medical Sciences. Cuba. E-mail:

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