Diploma course "Pedagogy of medical education": 22 years perfecting teaching in Villa Clara

EDUMECENTRO 2022;14:e2118



Diploma course "Pedagogy of medical education": 22 years perfecting teaching in Villa Clara

Diplomado "Pedagogía de la educación médica": 22 años perfeccionando la docencia en Villa Clara


Delia Eugenia Sosa Morales1* htpp://orcid.org/0000-0002-7124-6118
Iliana Margarita Sosa Fleitez1 htpp://orcid.org/0000-0001-5094-8842
Mayda Morales Gómez1 htpp://orcid.org/0000-0003-4790-8932
Raisa Bonachea Hernández1 htpp://orcid.org/0000-0002-2382-4834


1 Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences. Vocational Training Department. Clear Villa. Cuba.


* Author for correspondence. Email: deliaeugenia@infomed.sld.cu




This article intends to communicate the experience acquired in the Diploma course "Pedagogy of medical education" for teaching improvement at Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences. It consists on a system of eight courses: Ethics and Pedagogical expertise, Psycho pedagogy, Research Methodology, Introduction to Didactics, Methods, aids and Evaluation of Learning and Methodological Work. Through them, the students acquire very significant knowledge for their teaching practice, taking into account that most of them are graduates of specialties related to health sciences. The diploma course ends with a pedagogical investigation.

MeSH: education, medical, graduate; health sciences; education, medical.


Este artículo pretende comunicar la experiencia acumulada en el Diplomado "Pedagogía de la educación médica" para el perfeccionamiento docente en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. Consta de un sistema de ocho cursos: Ética y Maestría Pedagógica, Psicopedagogía, Metodología de la Investigación, Introducción a la Didáctica, Métodos, Medios y Evaluación del Aprendizaje y Trabajo Metodológico. A través de ellos, los cursistas adquieren conocimientos muy significativos para su ejercicio profesoral teniendo en cuenta que la mayoría son graduados de especialidades afines a las ciencias de la salud. El diplomado termina con una investigación de corte pedagógico.

DeSC: educación de posgrado en Medicina, ciencias de la salud, educación médica.



Submitted: 30/09/2021
Accepted: 12/01/2022



It is in the interest of the professors of the "Pedagogy of Medical Education" Diploma course to share with the academic community the role that this form of postgraduate has played in the training and development of teaching at Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, because more than 20 consecutive courses has worked by virtue of the pedagogical consolidation of its teachers.

Postgraduate education must reconstruct a new education that prepares the human being to adequately respond and overcome the challenges posed in the current era.(1)

This diploma course is the logical consequence of a long process of pedagogical preparation that began when medical teaching began in the central region of the country. It was the product of a research called: "The pedagogical preparation of the Comprehensive General Medicine specialist in higher medical education".

It is currently extended to all professionals who hold a teaching rank at Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, whether they are trained in the health sector or not.

Since its creation in the 1996-1997 academic year, it has undergone changes without modifying the essential objectives, which allow it to assume the new projections that higher education in general and medical education in particular are having; It has also been enriched by the needs declared in teaching staff meetings, methodological meetings, and the claims of the national health system due to social, health and environmental changes.

In the 21 completed versions, the change in the way of feeling, thinking and acting of the students has been observed, as well as a growing motivation for the acquisition of knowledge and pedagogical skills that allow them a higher quality teaching practice.

Each society projects the formation of a "model of man" that assimilates and reproduces at the individual level the socially valid norms and patterns, which are arranged by the ruling class in a specific historical moment, but which has its origin in the specific conditions of economic-social development reached.(2)

Pisarienko et al.(3) recall that as early as the fifteenth century, Comenius defined the qualities of the teacher and drew up a peculiar code that contains how their behaviour should be and what their attitude towards professional duties should be. He expressed that the teacher must be honest, hard-working and persistent in achieving the objectives.

It is the purpose that the students prepare themselves from the pedagogical, methodological and didactic point of view, but also from the political and ideological point of view. Its general objective is that the students reflect from the theoretical and practical point of view on the teaching-learning process, its laws, principles and components; the different problems in the current medical university, both in the instructive, educational, psychological, ethical, as well as political-ideological aspects; also developing pedagogical research in accordance with the problems of the center.

The diploma course is made up of eight perfectly concatenated courses as required by this form of postgraduate teaching. It begins with the Ethics and Pedagogical expertise, which through the different debates, manages to raise professionalism by strengthening the aptitude and attitude towards teaching duties. It emphasizes the qualities of educators, the origins of pedagogical ethics, its principles and its most important categories and emphasizes its political preparation, its communication with students and the formation of values. Other authors(5) agree with the concepts addressed about the preparation of the teacher and have the criterion that it is important to train the moral capacity of each one to identify the political content in the different ideological references of the surrounding reality.

Guerra Mederos et al.(6) affirm: "... it is a priority for the new university to train young people committed to their history and the destinies of their own countries, which demands a permanent preparation of the teacher." This course ends with a workshop on the formation of values and communication.

The second course: Psycho-pedagogy explains the psychological characteristics of students and the types of learning. Next, the Research Methodology course is taught, which emphasizes the design of projects and the development of research. It ends with a profile of the project that they will develop at the end of the diploma course.

Then it begins the cycle of preparation in didactics, an essential science in overcoming teachers to reach higher levels in fulfilling the social order.(7) The course Introduction to Didactics is taught: where the components and characteristics of the process are explained , the objectives, contents and organizational forms, as well as the laws and principles of didactics, the topic of contradictions in the teaching-learning process is introduced. This course ends with the development of a lesson plan. The cycle is then completed with the courses: Methods, Aids and Assessment of learning where each of them contributes to knowledge, skills and values for the comprehensive training of teachers. In these courses, the selection of the appropriate method is insisted on, emphasizing the problem- solving one; in the Media course, those generated from information and communication technologies are added.

The Learning Evaluation course is fundamentally based on the general theory of undergraduate and specialization evaluation, and culminates with the design of an evaluation instrument; the students exercise in the different types of questions to raise the quality in the elaboration of the exams. Next, the Methodological Work course is taught, which materializes the use of didactics taking into account Resolution 2 of 2018, of the Ministry of Higher Education.

If the reader notices, the diploma course begins with the Pedagogical expertise course and ends with Methodological Work, where teachers have the opportunity to consolidate this distinctive quality of education professionals at all levels.

As stated before, the course ends with the presentation and defense of pedagogical research, mostly linked to the solution of deficiencies in the teaching-learning process, and commissioned by the directors to whom they are subordinated.

The diploma course described is pertinent, since many of the scenarios where teachers work, whether they are specialists in medical sciences or trained in pedagogical sciences, have high care complexity together with their teaching practice, therefore, it prepares them to skillfully link the difficult task of instructing, educating and providing medical assistance.



1. López Espinosa JG, Lemus Lago ER, Valcárcel Izquierdo N, Torres Manresa OM. La superación profesional en salud como modalidad de la educación de posgrado. EDUMECENTRO [Internet]. 2019 [citado 25/05/2020];11(1):[aprox. 15 p.]. Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2077-28742019000100202

2. Borges Jorge ZM, Peralta Castellón Ll, Sánchez Rivas EM, Pérez Rodríguez RE. Educación a distancia: reflexiones desde la obra del Dr. Juan Virgilio López Palacio. EDUMECENTRO [Internet]. 2020 [citado 25/05/2020];12(2):[aprox. 20 p.]. Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2077-28742020000200190

3. Pisarienko VI, Pisarienko I. La ética pedagógica. La Habana: Editorial Pueblo y Educación; 1987.

4. Díaz-Canel Bermúdez M. La universidad por un mundo mejor. En: Congreso Universidad 2010. La Habana: Palacio de las Convenciones; 8-12 Feb de 2010.

5. Marrero Pérez M, Ocaña Díaz M, Rodríguez Leiva T. Trabajo político-ideológico para estudiantes de Medicina desde los turnos de debate y reflexión. EDUMECENTRO [Internet]. 2019 [citado 28/05/2021];11(3):[aprox. 5 p.]. Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2077-28742019000300218

6. Guerra Mederos S, Urbay Rodríguez M, Robaina Pedrosa T, Martínez Mondeja E, Delgado Veitía Y, Gallardo Machado NM. Concepción educativa para contribuir a la formación patriótica del estudiante universitario. EDUMECENTRO [Internet]. 2020 [citado 28/05/2021];12(1):[aprox. 17 p.]. Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2077 -28742020000100151

7. Borges Jorge ZM, Peralta Castellón Ll, Sánchez Rivas EM, Pérez Rodríguez RE. La Didáctica en la preparación del personal docente: sugerencias del Dr. Juan Virgilio López Palacio. EDUMECENTRO [Internet]. 2020 [citado 28/05/2021];12(1):[aprox. 19 p.]. Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2077 -28742020000100202&lng=es&nrm=iso&tlng=es



Declaration of interests

The authors declare no conflict of interest.



Author´s contribution

Delia Eugenia Sosa Morales and Iliana Margarita Sosa Fleites: compiled the information and analyzed it.
Mayda Morales Gómez and Raisa Bonachea Hernández: prepared the report and limited it to Vancouver.

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