EDUMECENTRO: Journal and school
EDUMECENTRO: revista y escuela
Blanca Rosa Pérez Obregón1*
1Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences. Academic Vice-rectorate. Cuba.
* Author for correspondence. Email:
Submitted: 28/08/2019
Accepted: 12/09/2019
"... Journals come to light, full of it, with the best of the best,
with deep studies, in which the need to give a critical audience solid food
in a compact and short form (
) they force the literary worker
to condense into paragraphs that look like polished diamonds and impenetrable strength,
the fruits of that ambitious scientific observation ... "
(José Martí. Complete Works. T 13. P. 437)
EDUMECENTRO celebrates its 10th anniversary in November 2019. It emerged amidst others already established in the world of publications, and the intellectuality and persistence of MD Esther Díaz Velis Martínez, this journal was born with great editorial pretensions, because the intention was not to be one of the kind, but to march in a progressive sense like the other with a similar profile: Higher Medical Education, it has always been considered as an example and recognized by the academicism of several of its authors and the quality of its articles.
Since its beginning, the editorial boards of EDUMECENTRO showed satisfaction for its reception in the scientific community of medical sciences, where in its authors there are strengths to enrich the already mentioned by some readers, as a special didactic of medical education. (1,2) These are recurring themes in its pages: the methodological work of different programs, disciplines and subjects; stories of personalities, specialties and institutions; the creation of electronic products as learning resources; the moral and revolutionary values to be developed in the students; extension work and its potential, the behavior of scientific research in the different degrees and their development strategies, vocational training and professional guidance, learning styles, the need to strengthen scientific, legal, environmentalist and peace cultures ; the formation of competencies in the university professional, particularly in health; postgraduate education and its transformations, and numerous teaching aids created by the authors have been disclosed to fill bibliographic deficiencies, which are useful for the delivery of the contents of various subjects.
At the same time, interest in the training of its arbitrators and authors arose.
Good arbitration guarantees the quality of the information that is published and identifies most of the weaknesses presented in the manuscripts. For this reason, numerous workshops have been held on the subject and MD. Esther Díaz Velis Martínez prepared a methodological manual: Work of arbitration, in 2013. Its pages treasure information about the organization of this process, the roles assumed by those involved and the flow of manuscript; all of this is consistent with the opportunities offered by open access platforms. The material guides on how to carry out a comprehensive review of the text that includes content analysis, novelty and updating, compliance with the journal's publication standards, and the recommendations issued by international organizations and the association of scientific editors on the edition of medical journals.
The world of publication has substantially changed. Information and communication technologies have provided new forms through electronic platforms, designed to facilitate the dissemination of articles in the so-called open access journals; but what could be considered an easy path could be a path full of obstacles due to ignorance of its possible authors. Day,(3) very popular for his writings related to the writing of publications, alerts: " the scientist not only has to do science but also write it. Bad writing can prevent or delay the publication of excellent scientific work, and often does. Unfortunately, the training of scientists is usually so overwhelmingly focused on the technical aspects of science, that the art of communication is neglected or unknown. In short: many excellent scientists are very bad editors. " And later he adds: "Most current scientists have not had the opportunity to follow a formal course of scientific writing. When they were graduate students, they learned to imitate the style and method of their teachers and other authors. Some, despite everything, became good editors anyway. Many, however, only learned to imitate everything that was wrong in prose and the style of the authors who preceded them, thus perpetuating their mistakes».
Convinced that a good writing pays tribute to good communication, the journal has maintained a constant interaction with its authors, where the advice starts from the intention of publishing when it is requested to "take a look at the manuscript before putting it on the platform», until the process is over; the teaching of postgraduate courses and workshops in several versions has also been frequent; among them:
- The scientific publication of educational nature
- Useful tools for the construction of the scientific-educational article
- Methodological manual for authors
- The art of writing scientific-pedagogical articles
- Discussion of the results
- The Vancouver style
- How to write an original article
- Publishing in an open access magazine
- How do I publish my thesis?
Already committed to the emergence of student scientific journals, the course "The art of publishing a scientific article» was taught for undergraduate, which was very productive, as it generated seven articles ready to be circulated.
Writing well is writing with accuracy, simplicity, originality, conciseness and clarity. Medical texts set the cultured standard of medical sciences. It is necessary to correctly use the scientific and pedagogical terms, to unify the style in the articles and to ensure the care of the language. And in this direction, EDUMECENTRO, more than a journal where its authors send manuscripts that undergo editorial processes, has proposed to be a multiplier of good practices in the scientific advertising task; EDUMECENTRO aspires to remain a journal and a school.
1. Díaz Velis Martínez E, Ramos Ramírez R. Reflexiones orientadoras sobre la Didáctica Especial en las asignaturas clínicas. EDUMECENTRO [Internet]. 2013 [citado 28/08/2019];5(1):[aprox. 16 p.]. Disponible en:
2. Sarasa Muñoz NL. La Pedagogía en las carreras de las ciencias médicas. EDUMECENTRO [Internet]. 2015 [citado 28/08/2019];7(1):[aprox. 20 p.]. Disponible en:
3. Day RA. Cómo escribir y publicar artículos científicos. 3ed. en español. Washington DC: Organización Panamericana de la Salud; 2005.
Declaration of interests
The author declares no conflict of interest.
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