The reinforcement of values in the Cuban medical education: an inevitable demand


The reinforcement of values in the Cuban medical education: an inevitable demand


El reforzamiento de valores en la educación médica cubana: un reclamo impostergable



Raidel González Rodríguez1, Juan Cardentey García2

1 MD. Resident of Comprehensive General Medicine. Instructor Professor. "Raúl Sánchez Rodríguez" University Polyclinic. Pinar del Río. Cuba. E-mail:
2 Doctor in Odontology. Specialist in Dental Prosthesis and Comprehensive General Odontology. Associate professor. "Ormani Arenado Llonch" Odontological Clinic. Pinar del Río. Cuba. E-mail:




The reinforcement of values in the Cuban medical education improves its strategies and dimensions, and it has to assume a more and more protagonist role in the colossal challenges that humanity faces. It also constitutes the axis around which all the university life should rotate, either in the curricular or the extracurricular work beginning by the personal example of the professors and the student´s environment around them. The objective of the current research paper consists on communicating the inevitable demand in the consolidation of values in the Cuban medical education, which modifies the daily performances correctly, perfects the personality and the interpersonal relations and it achieves an appropriate professional performance. It is emphasized on the necessity of the overall participation of the system of educational influences that allows to face and to develop actions that support, build up and forge these convictions.

MeSH: Social values, training of health human resources, education, medical.


El reforzamiento de valores en la educación médica cubana perfecciona sus estrategias y dimensiones, y tiene que asumir un papel cada vez más protagónico en los retos colosales que enfrenta la humanidad. Constituye además el eje alrededor del cual debe girar toda la vida universitaria, tanto en lo curricular como extracurricular comenzando por el ejemplo personal de los profesores y el ambiente estudiantil que se cree. El objetivo del presente artículo consiste en comunicar el reclamo improrrogable en la consolidación de valores en la educación médica cubana, lo cual modifica correctamente las actuaciones cotidianas, perfecciona la personalidad y las relaciones interpersonales y logra un adecuado desempeño profesional. Se enfatiza como necesidad la participación en conjunto del sistema de influencias educativas, que permite enfrentar y desarrollar acciones que alimenten, construyan y forjen dichas convicciones.

DeCS: Valores sociales, formación de recursos humanos en salud, educación médica.



The reinforcement of values in the Cuban medical education improves its strategies and dimensions due to its protagonist role in the colossal challenges that humanity faces. To continue improving this teaching system in Cuba two priorities of the university work have been identified as a whole: to strengthen the educational work of the university and to guarantee the quality of the fundamental processes1.

The distinctive feature in the comprehensive formation of professionals lies in not only to limit them to the acquisition of a group of knowledge; but also to prepare them for life, for their appropriate performance in society, what supposes, among other aspects, to be in possession of the system of values that characterize their profession.

The national seminars of preparation of the academic year constitute a really meaningful fact in the comprehensive formative conception, annually; they are spaces to diffuse experiences, educational strategies or other teaching proposals and their methodological conception.

An important aspect to highlight is that not always the values officially regarded as the most important ones by a society are assimilated in the same way by its members. It happens because the formation of values in each individual is not lineal and mechanical, but they go through a complex process of personal elaboration, in which the human beings build their own values in interaction with the historical-social environment where they develop2.

The educational work in the Cuban medical teaching is based on the strengthening of values, among them: dignity, justice, honesty, solidarity, industriousness, patriotism, anti-imperialism and humanism. Their reinforcement constitutes the axis around which all the university life should rotate, either in the curricular or the extracurricular work, beginning by the personal example of the professors and the student´s environment around them.

The current Cuban medical education has several missions: the comprehensive formation of the future health professionals of Cuba and other nationalities, the improvement of the human resources already formed, the promotion of the scientific-technical thought in the achievement of the excellence in the rendered health services, and the strengthening of the comprehensive, general culture, academic and in values that satisfy the necessities of the Cuban health and the fulfillment of the supportive commitments with other places of the rest of the world3. Values may be educated with a comprehensive approach if it is taken into account the diversity in the design of actions in correspondence with the current deficiencies in each of the students4.

This process is renewed each academic year with strategies, methods and pertinent resources with a comprehensive educational performance. In them are taken up again novel principles, practical and scientific knowledge as Amaro Cano5; but at present, there are very few programs of disciplines and subjects in the Medicine career that declare their system of values as part of the contents; even though, in those were it appears there aren't specific methodological orientations to work with them, in spite of the pedagogic and psychological complexity of this process.

The authors of the present research paper coincide with that outlined by Serra Valdés6 who illustrates different realities of the ethical dimension of the Cuban medical care, making clear the role of the universities and their teaching staffs in the solution of certain deficiencies of values as legitimate demand of the society to which they have a duty.

At present it constitutes a necessity to deepen inside the education in values on the part of all the socializing factors, because it possesses high importance in the struggle to save the human being as the most valuable thing that exists in the planet and to elevate their quality of life, what determines that it is one of the methodological lines of the medical faculties, with emphasis in the ideological-political work.

At present the Cuban medical education has the great challenge to guarantee the integrity in the development of the political, ideological and ethics work; and the formation and development of knowledge, habits, abilities and the reinforcement of values should be located in similar levels. Then, It is vital for the achievement of this endeavor to implement the ways that allow preparing a professional in correspondence with the current society7.

This topic has been widely debated in events, seminars, etc. and it is included in the regulations of the VI Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba8: "To continue advancing in the elevation of the quality and rigor of the teaching-learning process, prioritize the steady upgrading, the ennobling and the attention to the teaching personnel, and the role of the family in the education of children and youngsters. To achieve a better use of the work force and of the existent capacities". For that reason it should be taken advantage of all the spaces and possible resources, in a rational way, to participate in the strengthening of values that match with the daily performance, the individual improvement, interpersonal relations and the performance of the health branch graduates ´work as an inevitable demand.

No doubts that the ethics in the Cuban medical education has to be a model where the best qualities and capacities that should characterize health professional are manifested. Their moral values will be enhanced by a humanist attitude without limits and deep and systematically improved knowledge. They are committed with their duty and they should be unconditional, willing, active innovators and conscious of their essential commitment9.

In the process of values strengthening constitutes a necessity the overall collaboration of the system of educational influences, which allows facing and to develop actions that support, build up and forge human and revolutionary convictions. To each professional that educates in the reinforcement of values, get them the recognition and the admiration for such meritorious work.



1. Díaz Canel Bermúdez M. Conferencia de apertura: La Universidad ante los retos de la construcción de la sociedad socialista en Cuba. En 7mo. Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior. La Habana: MES; 2010.

2. Segredo Pérez AM, Perdomo Victoria I. La Medicina General Integral y su enfoque social y humanista. Educ Med Super [Internet]. 2012 [citado 26 Sep 2014];26(2):[aprox. 13 p.]. Disponible en: -21412012000200011&lng=es

3. Pupo Ávila NL, Pérez Perea L, Alfonso García A, Pérez Hoz G, González Varcálcel B. Aspectos favorecedores y retos actuales para la misión de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Cubana. Educ Med Super [Internet]. 2013 [citado 18 Oct 2014];27(1):[aprox 9 p.]. Disponible en:

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5. Amaro Cano MC. Un nuevo paradigma para la Universidad Nueva. Rev Haban Cienc Méd [Internet]. 2010 [citado 22 Jun 2014];9(1): Disponible en:

6. Serra Valdés MA. Ética, bioética y el educador en la enseñanza de las ciencias clínicas. Educ Med Super [Internet]. 2012 [citado 22 Nov 2014];26(3):[aprox. 9 p.]. Disponible en:

7. Hodelín Tablada R, Fuentes Pelier D. La solidaridad más allá de la justicia: aproximaciones al escenario cubano. MEDISAN [Internet]. 2012 [citado 15 Oct 2014];16(12):[aprox. 12 p.]. Disponible en:

8. Partido Comunista de Cuba. Lineamientos de la Política Económica y Social del Partido y la Revolución. VI Congreso. Lineamiento 145. La Habana: PCC; 2011.

9. García Chediak Y, González Reinaldo EA. Bases éticas para desarrollar el deber ser en el proceso formativo de los profesionales. Rev Hum Med [Internet]. 2012 [citado 11 Sep 2014];12(1):[aprox. 14 p.]. Disponible en:



Submitted: February, 18 2015.
Accepted: February, 22 2016.



Raidel González Rodríguez. Policlínico Universitario "Raúl Sánchez Rodríguez". Pinar del Río. Cuba. Correo electrónico:

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