The self-management of knowledge: a challenge for the implementation of plan E

EDUMECENTRO 2023;15:e2410



The self-management of knowledge: a challenge for the implementation of plan E

La autogestión del conocimiento: un desafío ante la implementación del plan E


Carmen Rosa Carmona Pentón1*
Claribel Plaín Pazos1
Lilian Ivonne Sosa Martinez1
Liz Perez Carballido2


1 University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara. Faculty of Medical Sciences of Sagua la Grande. Villa Clara. Cuba.


* Corresponding author. Email:




Higher education faces new demands, conditioned by social, scientific, and technical development, which imposes the need for a teaching-learning process with new characteristics based on principles of excellence, quality, and relevance. This requires a proposal for new pedagogical and didactic alternatives that contribute to the transformation of education. It is necessary to opt for didactics that promote self-managed and collaborative learning. The student must have an active role in the process of acquiring knowledge, accepting the responsibility and duty that comes with generating their own knowledge. The authors of this research paper emphasize the need to design didactic actions for the formation of self-management of knowledge in Medicine students.

MeSH: strategies; learning; education, medical; faculty; students; teaching.


La educación superior se enfrenta a nuevas exigencias, condicionadas por el desarrollo social, científico y técnico, lo que impone la necesidad de un proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje con nuevas características cimentado en principios de excelencia, calidad y pertinencia. Esto exige una propuesta de nuevas alternativas pedagógicas y didácticas que aporten a la transformación de la educación. Se hace necesario optar por didácticas que promuevan el aprendizaje autogestionado y colaborativo. El estudiante debe tener un rol activo en el proceso de adquisición del conocimiento, aceptando la responsabilidad y el deber que conlleva generar su propio conocimiento. Los autores de esta comunicación enfatizan en la necesidad de diseñar acciones didácticas para la formación de la autogestión del conocimiento en los estudiantes de la carrera de Medicina.

DeCS: estrategias; aprendizaje; educación médica; docentes; estudiantes; enseñanza.



Submitted: 19/05/2022
Accepted: 04/05/2023



Higher education faces new demands, conditioned by social, scientific and technical development, which imposes the need for a teaching-learning process with new characteristics based on principles of excellence, quality and relevance, as pointed out by Salas Perea,(1) equity, quality and efficiency, curricular flexibility, social relevance and professorial and student research, insertion, interaction and social commitment of the university with the country, modernization and decentralization of academic-administrative processes.

Education as a primary factor in the construction and advancement of humanity is a priority issue, especially at a time that, due to its characteristics and conditions, requires an inter and transdisciplinary perspective: networking, incorporation into the world of technology and an ethical look at ourselves, others, and the natural environment. From this perspective, educational planning implies a look from the self-management of learning that allows articulating the student's vital experience with updated and permanent knowledge, to respond to one of the fundamental requirements for education in the 21st century: the formation of autonomous subjects.

From this perspective, it is necessary to opt for didactics that promote self-managed and collaborative learning, by procedures that guarantee interpersonal communication, co-responsible intellectual production, deliberation, dialogue, and interlocution that allow the generation of critical, reflective, and transformative thinking.

The pedagogical models of the institutions are committed to self-management as the engine of change of the traditional system: teaching is no longer the main thing, but to encourage the learner from the recognition of their own abilities.

In the effort to ensure that classrooms and teachers stop being dispensers of knowledge and become environments and facilitators of this, respectively, students find the opportunity to discover and enhance their ability to regulate what they learn, the way in which they do it and the utility they give to what they have learned. In this sense, the humanist-constructivist idea of placing the student at the centre of the system supposes an active, interconnected subject, a critical and self-managing decision-maker who articulates for his benefit the complex relationship he establishes with everything that surrounds him: others subjects, knowledge, the word, technological tools.(2)

It is assumed that the self-managed student is an evaluator of his appropriation processes that reveals his metacognitive capacity. In theory, this is a very different student from the traditional modality, much more participatory, purposeful, proactive, critical, reflective, organized, demanding and collaborative.(3)

To self-manage knowledge, it is necessary to have the ability to identify knowledge needs associated with problems and evaluate them. In a study carried out in Costa Rica, the role of learning self-management in «learning to learn» is recognized as an interesting emerging field of work today and undoubtedly, perspectives for future research.(4)

Another study carried out at the Medical University of Pinar del Río found that teachers have adequate experience, but show a lack of knowledge of teaching-learning strategies that can be transmitted to students; The methodological work aimed at guaranteeing the adequate preparation of the teaching staff in teaching-learning strategies as a way of promoting cognitive independence is insufficient.(5)

The student must have an active role in the process of acquiring knowledge, accepting the responsibility that comes with generating it and understanding the need to learn from their peers cooperatively, as a strategy of the learning process.

The teacher must become a guide in the teaching process, which allows fostering creative and autonomous learning styles that contribute to developing the student's cognitive independence. The authors share the criteria about the essential role of the teacher at this level of teaching.(6)

The transformations experienced in the study plans of the Medicine career have moved from an encyclopaedic training to the present, where self-management of knowledge is favoured and promoted. Medicine Plan E is designed so that developing learning prevails with a wide and active participation of the student in their training, it is characterized by the flexibility given by the coexistence of three components of the curriculum: the base curriculum, with compulsory subjects for all the medical universities in the country, the own curriculum, and the optional/elective. However, the authors consider that, although the study plan has great potential, these have not been sufficiently used to develop self-management of learning in students.

Within the functions of the graduate indicated by the model of the Plan E professional is the teaching-learning function that indicates the need to guarantee their self-preparation and the use of information technologies and in the administrative function, the management of your work team; therefore, a graduate is needed who builds his own knowledge and knows how to work collaboratively.

Plan E of the Medicine major has a total of 9,524 hours, 572 less than Plan D, which had 10,096 hours. The hours of independent work increased in several subjects, the school hours decreased, so to support the proposal it stands out: greater self-preparation of the students, wide and generalized use of information and communication technologies and the prominence in their formation process.

One of the components of the teaching-learning process that varies from study plan D to E, is evaluation. For the first time, in the Medicine career, the evidence portfolio is used as a final evaluation in some subjects of the main integrative discipline (General Medicine) such as Introduction to Comprehensive General Medicine, Health Prevention, Legal Medicine and Comprehensive General Medicine. The portfolio requires teamwork, projects with real life situations, the inclusion of ICT and the use of active and flexible learning methods, in addition to the use of teaching strategies.(6)

The purposes of the evidence portfolio are diverse, such as: promoting self-assessment, boosting motivation and responsibility, demonstrating improvement in learning, and it is an opportunity for personal growth, self-awareness, and autonomy.

The main integrating discipline of the Medicine career is General Medicine, made up of 23 subjects distributed in all the years of the career, with a total of 6550 hours. The integrating nature of this discipline is expressed in the professional modes of action that students develop during their transit through the various subjects that make it up; for this reason, the appropriation of knowledge starts from the productive to the creative, its evaluation is problematic and materializes in practical exercises in which the student has to show the performance that he achieves when applying his professional ways of acting to the solution of problems of the activity in the teaching - assistance scenarios, in addition to carrying out theoretical evaluative exercises.(7) In the general skills listed in the program of the discipline are acting with creativity, independence and professional leadership, teamwork, guaranteeing self-preparation for training and self-improvement on a permanent basis and the use of information technologies and communication.

Based on the ideas presented above, the authors consider it necessary to design didactic actions to promote self-management of knowledge in Medicine students, in addition to learning based on teamwork, to promote self-learning and improve knowledge. academic results, a tool well accepted by students and considered a fun and dynamic way of learning that allows them to order their ideas, foster their analytical skills and fellowship, relevant actions in the development of the teaching-learning process.



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2. Roque Herrera Y, Valdivia Moral PA, Alonso García S, Zagalaz Sánchez ML. Metacognición y aprendizaje autónomo en la Educación Superior. Educ Med Super [Internet]. 2018 [citado 18/05/2022];32(4):[aprox. 10 p.]. Disponible en: /a023_1480.pdf

3. Calcines Castillo MA, Valdés Utrera JR, Monteagudo de la Guardia R. La autogestión del conocimiento: ¿una meta inalcanzable? EDUMECENTRO. [Internet]. 2017 [citado 16/05/2022];9(2):[aprox. 4 p]. Disponible en: /view/914/0

4. Hernández Barrios A, Camargo Uribe A. Autorregulación del aprendizaje en la educación superior en Iberoamérica: una revisión sistemática. Rev Latinoam de Psicol [Internet]. 2017 [citado 16/05/2022];49(2):[aprox. 14 p]. Disponible en:

5. Monroy F, Hernández Pina F. Factores que influyen en los enfoques de aprendizaje universitario. Una revisión sistemática. Educación XX1 [Internet]. 2014 [citado 14/05/2022];17(2):[aprox. 21 p]. Disponible en:

6. Cuba. Ministerio de Educación Superior. Plan de estudio E de la carrera de Medicina. La Habana: Universidad de Ciencias Médicas; 2019.

7. Cuba. Ministerio de Educación Superior. Comisión Nacional de la Carrera de Medicina. Programa de la Disciplina Medicina General. La Habana: Universidad de Ciencias Médicas; 2015.



Declaration of interests

The authors declare not to have any interest conflicts.



Contribution of the authors

Bibliographic review, preparation, and review of the final research report: Carmen Rosa Carmona Pentón, Claribel Plain Pazos, Lilian Ivonne Sosa Martínez and Liz Pérez Carballido

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