Creativity in preparing teachers for distance learning

EDUMECENTRO 2023;15:e2416



Creativity in preparing teachers for distance learning

Creatividad en la preparación de los profesores para la educación a distancia


Aurora Rosario Martínez Verde1*
Melva García Martínez1
Rahimi Romero Borges2


1 Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. Cuba.
2 Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. Elementary School "José de la Luz y Caballero". Santa Clara. Villa Clara. Cuba.



* Corresponding author. Email:



Submitted: 28/05/2022
Accepted: 29/10/2022



To the editor:

Virtual education is a modality of distance learning (DL) that uses information and communication technologies (ICT) to promote training spaces and establish a new way of teaching and learning. However, it is worth asking: are the alternatives in education produced at the speed of the development of new technologies? This demands the need to train professionals with the possibility of making adequate use of them to act appropriately and face this challenge in a global world; it requires the necessary skills to achieve success in its management, knowing how to act to provide solutions to these changes and being able to work creatively; that is, to act in an innovative way, solving or discovering problems.

Teachers are in charge of creating new ways of directing the DL supported by the tools offered by ICT, in order to achieve efficient results. For these purposes, various postgraduate courses and training systems have been designed in the different careers of higher education.(1,2,3,4)

It is a fact that all subjects show different levels of difficulties for DL, for example, clinics, typical of health sciences, require direct relationships with patients, but these relationships can be modeled by the teacher and thereby contribute to the exercise for the creative learning of professional skills.

The educational scenarios changed by including virtual education. Efforts are directed to neuralgic aspects of the comprehensive training of future professionals, and a central aspect is the development of the creativity of the students in their sphere of action. It is necessary to have teachers willing to change their habitual pedagogical model,(4) and thus obtain innovative results. For this, actions are required in the preparation of the teacher that contribute to expanding their knowledge, skills and attitudes that generate conditions of interrelation and student motivation in the design of their DL courses to develop the creativity of their pupils.

For these reasons, the authors intend to warn about the contents, conditions and procedures necessary for the development of creativity in the preparation of higher education teachers for the design of DL courses.

A requirement for the teacher from the early stages of course designing using the DL modality is a deep understanding of creativity. Manage content knowledge about: how this process works, the conditions that favor it, its manifestation in the educational field and the ways for its development in students.(5,6)

The teacher can intentionally create an environment that is conducive to it; Examples of these conditions are: the way you present the course, the conditions in which you involve students in distance learning, the organization of teams, and diagnosing the creativity of your students and yours with the rational intention of developing and Monitor your progress on both.

The multiple tools that ICTs provide to teachers can foster the development of student creativity, more intensely if they are also used for that purpose.

The forum, for example, is ideal; using it; teachers can apply the creative brainstorming technique to analyze a topic in order to achieve its individualization, articulate teamwork, encourage self-assessment, value student opinions on the topic, and encourage interrelationships and control them.

You can also reflect on the resources provided by ICT to analyze the production of student texts, both from creative skills and from knowledge of the subject, reinforce that creative learning, do case studies, and vary the types of exercises so that they use their critical thoughts, make decisions and solve problems in an individualized way. The creativity of each student can be encouraged to download presentations and rework them, innovate videos and establish learning contracts.

Creative techniques focused on the individualization of teaching, group teaching and collaborative work, proposed by Delgado Fernández et al.(7) are valuable in order to increase knowledge on how to master these resources.

Dear editor: the authors trust that these criteria will be considered by teachers to achieve a creative and effective DL



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2. Raposo RM. Aproximación de Metodología Didáctica para Educación a Distancia. Rev Digital Universitaria [Internet]. 2021[citado 25/03/2022];2(1):[aprox. 10 p.]. Disponible en:

3. García Domínguez R. La preparación de docentes en educación a distancia: una experiencia en el sector del transporte. Varona [Internet]. 2021 [citado 25/03/2022];(71):[aprox. 9 p.]. Disponible en:

4. Agramonte Albalat B, Amechazurra Oliva M, Mata Fleites I, Treto Bravo I, Santana Hernández M, Álvarez Dueñas O. DIPLOPED: una alternativa de educación a distancia para la preparación pedagógica de docentes. EDUMECENTRO [Internet]. 2017 [citado 25/03/2022];9(2):[aprox. 14 p.]. Disponible en: -28742017000200011

5. Lozano B, Morán Giraldo L, Gil Hernández A, Tarajano Roselló AO, Expósito Pérez H. Guía de ejercicios interactivos para autoevaluación de estudiantes de Enfermería en práctica preprofesional. Educ Med Super [Internet]. 2017 [citado 25/03/2022];31(2):[aprox. 22 p.]. Disponible en:

6. Delgado Fernández M, Solano González A. Estrategias didácticas creativas en entornos virtuales para el aprendizaje. Actualidades Investig en Educ [Internet].2019 [citado 25/03/2022];9(2):[aprox. 21 p.]. Disponible en:



Declaration of interests

The authors declare no conflict of interest.



Contribution of the authors

Analysis of the bibliography and writing of the final draft: Aurora Rosario Martínez
Verde, Melva Garcia Martinez, Rahimi Romero Borges.
Critical review and approval of the final draft: Aurora Rosario Martínez Verde,
Melva Garcia Martinez, Rahimi Romero Borges

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