Curricular educational work on the topic of anti-ulcer medications in the subject Pharmacology II

EDUMECENTRO 2023;15:e2535



Curricular educational work on the topic of anti-ulcer medications in the subject Pharmacology II

El trabajo educativo curricular en el tema medicamentos antiulcerosos en la asignatura Farmacología II


Zoila Armada Esmore1*
Liset Jiménez Fernández1
Juan Miguel Chala Tandrón2 8740-2130


1 University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara. School of Medicine. Villa Clara. Cuba.
2 University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara. University Hospital "Celestino Hernández Robau". Villa Clara. Cuba.


*Corresponding author. Email:




The educational work consists of transmitting a coherent educational message from science itself and stimulates the students' learning motivation and their own cognitive activity. The purpose of higher medical education is to graduate a comprehensive professional; therefore, it is about instructing and educating students in the highest patriotic, moral and ethical values in each of the teaching scenarios, from science itself. The objective of this research paper is to exemplify some content on the subject related to antiulcer drugs from which educational work can be intentioned from science itself.

MeSH: Pharmacology; ethics, professional; principle-based ethics; education, medical.


El trabajo educativo consiste en transmitir un mensaje educativo coherente desde la propia ciencia y estimula la motivación del aprendizaje de los estudiantes y su propia actividad cognoscitiva. El propósito de la educación médica superior es egresar un profesional integral; por tanto, se trata de instruir y educar a los estudiantes en los más altos valores patrióticos, morales y éticos en cada uno de los escenarios docentes, desde la propia ciencia. El objetivo de esta comunicación es ejemplificar algunos contenidos sobre la temática referente a medicamentos antiulcerosos desde los que se puede intencionar el trabajo educativo desde la propia ciencia.

DeSC: Farmacología; ética profesional; ética basada en principios; educación médica.



Submitted: 04/11/2022
Accepted: 29/11/2022



Every educator convinced of its social role knows that instructional and educational actions are mutually conditioned and that unilateral successes in one case or another are false. The fundamental objective of Cuban higher education is to graduate a comprehensive professional, therefore, it is not only a question of instructing on the new sciences and technologies, but of educating students in the highest patriotic, moral and ethical values, as well as favoring the appropriation by the new generations of the necessary knowledge of universal culture and the history of the homeland.(1,2)

For the development of educational work, three dimensions have been defined: curricular, university extension, and socio-political, which work articulated among themselves and penetrate in all the university life; but the curricular dimension is the fundamental dimension of this process.(3)

The curricular dimension aims to develop through the career curriculum the formation of ethical and professional values, and promotes and develops educational work based on the scientific nature of the knowledge that is transmitted in the teaching process.

The educational work consists of transmitting a coherent educational message from science itself, taking advantage of all its potentialities. It is a way of educating within the framework of knowledge and stimulates students' learning motivation and encourages their cognitive activity.(3)

In Pharmacology, in the topic related to antiulcer drugs, groups of drugs of importance in clinical practice that require extensive medical knowledge are addressed, for which it is necessary to impart precise, updated and organized contents, and to have well-defined moral values, human and political-ideological that aspires to develop in students, to work both aspects coherently in a single whole.

Clinical Pharmacology applies its knowledge in the individualization of the pharmacological treatment of each patient, based on the variability of their biological responses. In this way, it is possible to improve the effectiveness and safety in medication management.(4,5)

It is not a mechanical sum of actions, where on the one hand the classification of this pharmacological group is explained, and on the other, dates or historical figures are cited out of context that rarely leave the desired traces. The prescription of each one is vital, so it is necessary to know their pharmacological characteristics if you want to do adequate educational work from the curricular point of view.(6)

Taking into account the contents of this topic, some examples are cited in which intentions can be made in educational work from science itself:

  • In the group of antacids, the educational work is reinforced when its indiscriminate use is explained, which can produce adverse effects such as constipation. By teaching the subject, the student is motivated and the value of responsibility is fostered, and human feelings and trust in the health system are strengthened; Based on this knowledge, a rational use of medications is achieved, especially in the population of older adults.(1,2,3)
  • Anticholinergics constitute another group of medications where it is essential to educate the student from the curricular point of view, since for example atropine is a drug that is prescribed only to relieve symptoms; it is the doctor's responsibility to alert the patient and his family of the need to attend, in case he lives in places of difficult access, to other institutions where there are other resources to assume the most pertinent treatment for his ailment.(3)
  • Other groups of antiulcer drugs include H2-antihistamines; (cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine, nizatidine); when indicating them, it is necessary to know their pharmacological characteristics, for example, to specify the use of cimetidine that can cause important adverse effects due to its antiandrogenic action, in the male sex; therefore, drugs with similar action but safer and more effective should be used. They will be faithful guardians of the rational consumption of these drugs due to the possibility of causing undesirable effects of a carcinogenic type due to prolonged use, something that represents a trend. This message stimulates the human feelings of the students and strengthens convictions about the benefits of the health system and the Cuban revolution, where the important thing is not to market the medicine, but human health.(2,3)

Only a few examples have been cited where the potential for educational influences contained in the contents of the Pharmacology discipline is essential; educational work from this discipline depends on the mastery of the teacher to work it opportunely and conveniently in that fluid and constant back and forth between the instructional and the educational during the class.(2)

The authors consider that incorporating curricular educational work on the topic of antiulcer drugs contributes to fostering a scientific conception of the world and a positive sense of the value of responsibility in students.



1. Goodman and Gilman. Las Bases Farmacológicas de la Terapéutica. 12ed. Vol 1. México: McGraw-Hill Interamericana; 2012.

2. Morón Rodríguez FJ. Programa de la disciplina: Farmacología. Ministerio de Salud Pública. Carrera: Medicina. La Habana: Viceministerio de Docencia e Investigación; 2014.

3. Flórez J. Farmacología Humana. 6ed. Sección 7. Cap. 43. La Habana: Editorial Ciencias Médicas; 2014.

4 Cala Calviño L, Álvarez González RM, Ramos Hernández L. Aprendizaje de la Farmacología Clínica desde la percepción estudiantil. EDUMECENTRO [Internet]. 2017 [citado 25/06/2022];9(4):[aprox. 16 p.]. Disponible en:

5. Hidalgo Cajo BG, Mayacela Alulema ÁG, Hidalgo Cajo IM. Estrategias didácticas para potenciar el aprendizaje de Farmacología Clínica. Rev Haban Cienc Med [Internet]. 2017 [citado 22/25/06/];16(3):[aprox. 15 p.]. Disponible en: 29-519X2017000300014&lng=es

6. Milián Vázquez PM, López Rodríguez del Rey MM, Berges Díaz M. El tratamiento del contenido de la Farmacología como reto de la superación profesional de los docentes de la carrera de Medicina. Odiseo [Internet]. 2011 [citado 23/06/2022];9(17):[aprox. 16 p.]. Disponible en: -superación-profesional-docentes-carrera



Declaration of interests

The authors declare not to have any interest conflicts.



Contribution of the authors

Zoila Armada Esmores: preparation of the manuscript in all its stages.
Liset Fernández Jiménez: bibliographic search and writing of the manuscript.
Juan Miguel Chala Tandrón: bibliographic search and writing of the manuscript.

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